Rainbow Prophecy Evolution-Revolution

Rainbow Prophecy Evolution-Revolution
$ 44.00

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The Energy Theme for September

Leading Edge Pioneers, Visionaries, Rainbow Peace Keepers, Healers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Forest Bathers and Lovers of People and this Planet........

Mark your Calendars! Tuesday September 24th 7-8 PM EST we will Gather Together as One Heart, One Energy, One Love and One Life in UNITY and Peace.

Invitation and Energy Themes for September

We will Deeply and Thoroughly CLEAR the 4 Main types of Energy Blockages:

-Energy Density from Life events in this life, past lives, lineage
-Energy Density from our Environment
-Energy that was embedded/infused/empathically taken on when we were in the Womb
-Generational Energetic Density and Blocks

We will ACTIVATE Your Spiritual Gifts and Strengthen the Gifts that are already online and operational
  • The Gift of Web weaving- Creating NEW Templates and Matrices for the Earth, Life of the Earth and All of Humanity. Being able to weave these NEW Templates gives all access to higher Dimensional Light for Awakening and Ascension. These are Creator/Creatrix energies.
  • The Gift of Inspiration- the gist that instills divine guidance, clarity, zest for life and inspiration to those who have fallen into despair, depression, distrust and hopelessness.  The Inspirer helps one to see, know, feel the Truth of their Light, Unifying One deeply with the All that Is.  With this unification and Remembrance the Light within them burns Bright. 
  • The Gift of Discernment-To Understand or Know something through the power of the Light within you. It includes perceiving the true character of people and the source and meaning of spiritual manifestations. Being able to know Truth from Deception. Ability to read people's energy and know their true intentions.
  • The Gift of Healing- When One allows the Pure divine Light to work through them to help others re-receive their health and vitality. Gift of healing can be for physical, mental, emotional or spiritual ills. One may heal people through prayer, anointing with oil, the power of their words, hands on or distance.
  • The Gift of Miracles- One has access to the gift of the extraordinary through the Power of the Divine Light within them. Their Faith, Belief and Trust in the Divine is so Powerful that One can banish the Energy of Death, Restore Sight to the blind, speech to the mute, and the use of limbs to the lame. One lives in the Realm of the Miraculous and Opens others to this level of divine Love as well.
  • The Gift of Speaking the Language of Light- This gift Ignites, Strengthens and Activates the Holy Spirit/Divine Flame within others. This language is of the Soul and Heart bypassing the mind. Opens the Heart to the Glory of the Infinite, activates latent energies and codes, can bring healing and exhaltation.
  • The Gift of Prophecy- The gift of prophecy is a special ability to speak forth messages from Source or other Spiritual Masters, Angelics, Beings from Advanced Civilizations, Beneficient Beings from On High-from the ONE True Light. A prophet is basically a spokesman/channel for the One True Light. One delivers the messages to people by direct revelation. 
  • The Gift of Wisdom- Spiritual wisdom is the understanding and knowledge that comes from an immaculate, pure and deep connection to One's Inner Self, the Light and the Divine. It is the ability to see beyond the Veil of Illusion and to understand the interconnectedness of all things.
  • The Gift of Truth- The Divine Light guides the One with this gift from the head to the heart. The gift of truth that allows the person to respond with certainty and happily to believe in the Divine Light. Brings with it the gifts of Fortitude (Courage): With the gift of fortitude/courage, we overcome our fears and are willing to take Divinely guided action and a leap of Faith as a follower of the Light within.
  • The Gift of TrustThe Divine light activates this gift to encourage and build up One's confidence in the Light and of Life. Those with the gift of faith, trust that  the Divine Light is Sovereign and always has our best interests. All is for us, not against us, thus placing the full weight of their lives in the hands of the infinite.
  • The Gift of Mercy- One with this Gift is extraordinarily patient, loving and compassionate towards others, especially if they are suffering and in pain.Those with this gift have great empathy for others in their trials and tribulations. Their mere Presence, Prayer, Intentions and Visions for the ease of people's suffering is incredible and can lift darkness, bringing one back into the Light of love.
  • The Gift of GraceThe gift of grace is an opportunity to start anew. It's a chance to be free, liberated, a chance to let love flow to yourself and others at a new level. Grace helps one to let go. Let go of what others have done to you, and let go of what you may have done to others. Grace is a Gift from On High opening one to be able to receive all of the gifts and blessings the Infinite Light wishes to give. Grace catalyzes or deepens ones Awakening and Ascension process as it is a Transmission of Pure Light.
  • The Gift of Love - The spiritual gift of love is the only type of Love that fulfills the deepest longings of our Hearts. Like all gifts, it must first be received and cherished, and then it allows us to love ourselves and others as Source does.  This Love that is unconditional Heals All at the deepest levels so One is Re-born, Revitalized and Reawakened. 
You may register NOW until September 1st at a discount when you use code September2024 at checkout.