Andara New Name List Please Read

Hello Andara family! As many of you know, the Andara have been growing, shifting and evolving to their next stage of evolution as well. As such they wanted New Names that more reflected their True Essence and Energy. Just as many human people Awaken and choose a Spiritual name, most of the names that had been given to the Andara were not a vibrational match. After much meditating and inner listening, here is a list of the New name on the left hand side with the Old Name on the Right for Easy Reference.
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If the andara has not chosen a new name it is not listed below.
Shiva Lady Nellie
Earth Mother Amber
Dynamic Heliadore yellow Great Central Sun
Sovereign Amethyst Eye of Metatron
Scarlet Shift/Divine fire Transendent fire
Luminescent or Opaque white Melchiezedek
Oracle clear Akasha
True orange Solar Logos
Iridium black Cosmic Key
Oceanic Blue/Green Elohim
Luminescent Green Hand of God
Opaque yellow Heart of Orion
Violet Flame Tanzanite Fire