Andara Gift card
The perfect gift for a loved one to meet the andara!
Remember, we also have the Andara Oracle cards, it is like 44 physical andara to work and meditate with. Did you know that REAL ANDARA emit their energies through photos & videos, this is actually how I had my first experience with an andara!!!! Through pictures on Facebook!
They gave me a MAJOR download and Heart Healing and Opening. I was sobbing uncontrollably, the neat thing was, there was no story attached, it was like being reunited with long lost family I didn't even know I had.
And they were SO glad to have found me, it caught me off guard when I realized, "these beings know EVERYTHING about me" there are no secrets, all masks are off and only authenticity will be allowed.
I was naked and vulnerable it felt, at the same time I felt accepted, honored, loved and seen, I will never forget this experience I had. with those andara that day, it changed me and my life forever!