Eye of the Dragon Andara Crystal

Eye of the Dragon andara is associated with the "All seeing Eye", the One Eye, the Eye of God.
Increase your view, see yourself and all of life through a "Divine perspective", see the truth in All things.
As you see the Truth you Live the Truth and Align with the Truth.
Highly Protective Andara as it brings in the Energy of the Dragons who watch over you, shield you, lead, guide and direct you.
It is a High Honor for the Spiritual Aspirant to have the Privilege to Connect and work with the Dragons as they are quite particular who they mentor.
Place this on your Third Eye of Heart Chakra to receive the most potent Healing and Activation.
If placed on the root chakra, this Andara may Clear and Heal Sexual Hurts and Wrongs, Spark your Creativity and Inspiration, while also activating the kundalini energy in a safe and graceful way.
56 grams
We do not accept returns. Please purchase because you feel a connection with it, not based on how it looks or the description written about it, everyone's experiences with andara can be vastly unique and different.
A REAL Monatomic andara emits its energy through a picture or video, you can FEEL them. If you do not feel this connection, please do not purchase as all sales are FINAL.
Andara are "glass like" and Raw, not tumbled, cut or polished, they are straight from the Earth which means they can have sharp edges, please be careful, you may choose to lightly file down any sharp edges with a fine sand paper.