Andara Crystal Healing attunement level 1

This is a Pre-recorded audio, It is suggested that you take the Andara Healing Practitioner course first found on this site as that will lay a strong foundation from which to receive the attunements.
Upon registering you will receive within 24 hours a link to the recording and a picture of the andara grid of the andara you will be attuned to.
To connect and work with the greatest amount of people possible the Andaras have requested that this program was created. Erica was attuned to “Ethereal Crystal Reiki” years ago and when she met the Andaras they clearly communicated to her that a similar program was quite necessary at this time of the great shift.
It is possible to give a powerful Andara crystal healing, without crystals. Through attunement you gain access to a specific Andara’s energy and can channel it by intention. These ethereal Andaras are much stronger than those found in earth. You can place them on the body, just by pointing at a certain area of the body, and by thinking the Andaras name. The Andara will disappear when the energy is no longer needed. Furthermore, you can create powerful Andara gem elixirs in seconds and increase the strength in certain gemstones by 400 %!
Level 1: you will be attuned to dark pink, amber, sapphire blue, luminescent green, divine fire, merlin purple, merlin blue and green, dynamic heliadore yellow, aqua angel, luminescent/opaque white, emerald shift/gaia green, opal pink, orange/peach.
This is a Pre-recorded class,no andara are mailed to you.
Please NOTE: this is a recording and NOTHING IS SHIPPED TO YOU. You will be emailed the link and a photo of the Andara that you will be attuned too.