Handmade Angel Aura & Strawberry Quartz Crystal Headband

Handmade Angel Aura & Strawberry Quartz Crystal Headband
Sale price $ 33.00 Regular price $ 52.00

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Exquisite and unique design with opal crystal. Perfect for daily wear, ceremonies, meditation, holidays, special occasions, weddings and for FUN!

Healing Properties of Quartz Crystal- ♥ Harmony ♥ Energy ♥ Healing ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Clarity ♥ Calmness

Strawberry Quartz is a powerful crystal with potent metaphysical properties that facilitates self-discovery, spiritual path discovery, spiritual awakening, and physical abundance. These healing crystals remove auric blockages and seal the field. They prevent leakage. Strawberry quartz is a spiritual support stone

Healing Properties of Angel Aura Quartz- 

KEY WORDS: Serenity, Joy, Light, Beauty

ENERGY: Angel Aura Quartz is the rainbow cutting through a storm. This divine crystal is powerful. It is so powerful, in fact, that its energy can be felt by some to the touch. Much like Moldavite, Angel Aura Quartz brings massive amounts of energy to its user through high vibrational frequencies. Its power opens the crown and etheric chakra, channeling joy, clarity, and truth from the divine into your form. Emotionally, those who struggle with mood swings and unstable environments can benefit from Angel Aura Quartz’s alignment of the aura and its surroundings. Due to this angelic connection, this vibrant crystal brings wisdom around your heart’s desires and can guide you down the path of those dreams.